Sustainable Property Development

Is At The Heart Of What We Do

welcome to Direct Home investments

About us

Direct Home investments specialise in working directly with land and property owners, helping them to realise the value locked up in their assets. We aim to work with you to appraise the value of your land without any commitment to proceed. The company works all over the UK with particular focus on residential property development. We will discuss the many options you have when it comes to selling your land for development.

Direct Home Investments


Some land owners do not realise the full potential of their assets. We help you to assess your options. These include; how much your land may be worth, working to your timescales, when to do a joint venture, best way to realise your uplift, etc. We help you uncover and maximise the value of your property.


Searching for potential development sites, appraising them, working with land owners, professionals and the council’s planning officers is challenging, interesting and exhilarating. Completed development sites allow us to review and fine tune the process so that our future projects are always improving.

Do you own land with development potential? 

pROJECTS Completed

Our vision

Our aim is to carry out sustainable development projects which are in line with the local authority’s strategic plan, using experienced professionals including planners and architects who understand the planning process well and are able to deliver great designs and achieve planning approvals. We also focus on the landowner’s unique needs so that we can help them achieve their goals.

Business People Planning Blueprint Architecture Concept

Architectural planning

Industrial estate land development construction


Modern style interior design 3D rendering

Consultation Design

Mature man construction worker at the construction site in the c

Project managment

How To Work With Us

We would like to work with you to develop your land, irrespective of size. We have a proven track record, and we would like to share our experience and knowledge with you so that you can achieve your own goals too. It all starts with a no obligation chat and a visit to view your land.

Direct Home investments


We’re always on the lookout for land opportunities. We specialise in land without planning but will also consider land with planning already granted and other development opportunities.
Please contact us if you have any of the following: 

  •  Infill Plots
  •  Side Plots
  • Large plots
  •  Corner Plots
  • Large back garden
  • Storage land or garages
  • A derelict or run down building


Relentles pursuit
of Excellence

how do we work ?

Our Professional Team Will Unlock
The Potential
Of Your Land

Through an understanding of both national and local planning policy, we’re able to advice land owners and investors the best way of achieving successful planning applications and timely delivery of their projects.





contact us

have a question ?


If you’d like more information on one of our developments or have a plot of land you’d like to discuss, we’d love to hear from you.